BIP Monthly Speakers

BIP Monthly Speakers


Dr. Leopold Green

Title: Unlocking Cell Membranes: DNA Nanocages as Transport Channels for Biomolecules

Nucleic acids are highly programmable materials ideal for creating nanoscale structures. Their biocompatibility and low production costs make them suitable for various biomedical applications. 

This work presents a DNA nanocage engineered to facilitate the selective transport of biomolecules across prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell membranes. The design enables the transfer of biomolecules, from single ions to larger proteins, bypassing natural pathways. We showcase a library of DNA motifs effective for transport in various cell types, including ion translocation in live neurons and transfer of larger biomolecules like green fluorescent protein (GFP) across brain cancer and stem cell membranes.

The versatility of this nanocage design offers promising opportunities for targeted drug delivery, biosensing, and improved intercellular communication, ensuring stability and precision in interactions with lipid bilayers.

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Dr. Mohammad Azad

Dr. Mohammad Azad

Materials and Process Impact on Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) of Pharmaceuticals

Abstract: Three-dimensional (3D) printing, a transformative technology known as additive manufacturing, is increasingly gaining traction in the pharmaceutical industry as an advanced manufacturing process. It enables personalized medicine through adjustable drug loading, complex dosage form design, on-demand production, and the creation of pills with multiple active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs)., etc. where the current manufacturing processes follow one-size-fits-all approach unable to do that due to scientific and technological limitations. Among several types of printing systems, extrusion-based 3D printing is considered simple, low cost, scalable, and handles a wide range of materials. Pressure-assisted microsyringe (PAM), a micro extrusion-based 3D printing, is well suited for the pharmaceutical industry because it can handle materials at low temperatures. The PAM printing process involves the usage of the polymer as the primary functional excipient to prepare the ink and subsequently print the dosage structure or matrix (i.e., tablet, capsule, film, etc.). The challenge for PAM printing- is that to obtain a perfect 3D printed matrix, significant trial and error effort is required due to the materials and process impact on printing. In this research talk, research projects will be discussed, and how the challenges were attempted to minimize.

Bio: Dr. Mohammad Azad is an associate professor in the Chemical, Biological, and Bioengineering (CBBE) Department at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (NCAT). He received his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) and postdoctoral research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He contributed to cutting-edge projects such as DARPA's "Pharmacy on Demand" program at MIT and NSF ERC center (Center for Structured Organic Particulate Systems, C-SOPS) at NJIT. Dr. Azad joined the CBBE department in the Fall of 2018, and his current research spans 3D printing, polymer processing, materials characterization, nanoparticles, and data analytics. His research is funded by DOD, NSF-SCH, and NSF Engines. Dr. Azad has authored 6 patents, 3 book chapters, and 26 journals and serves on the editorial board of the Advanced Powder Technology Journal. He has mentored 9 graduate and 19 undergraduate students.

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Dr. Gerardo Carbajal

Analysis and Applications of Heat Pipes for Heating and Cooling Systems


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Florida Polytechnic University

Gerardo Carbajal, Ph.D. 


Since the first basic heat pipe concept proposed by Gaugler in 1944, the heat pipe concept has been applied to a variety of simple and complex designs for space and terrestrial applications. Originally heat pipes were designed to heat transfer applications in space vehicles, but later due to its high thermal performance and high thermal conductivity effect reduced weight it was applied to terrestrial applications projects. Heat pipes applications as heat transfer devices and thermal spreaders have also found a lot of applications in electronic cooling heat pipes are being considered to be one of the most efficient passive cooling devices for electronic cooling. This seminar will provide an overview of physics, mathematical modeling, and applications of heat pipes. 

Gerardo Carbajal is an associate professor in the ME Department at Florida Polytechnic University. After spending 11 years at the AGMUS Gurabo-Campus in Puerto Rico he joined the ME Department at FPU in 2019. He completed his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, NY in 2006. His research is focused on heat pipes, heat and water management analysis in PEM fuel cells, and two-phase flow for heat transfer enhancement applications to large- or small-scale applications such as in mini and micro-channels for electronic cooling. Some of his awards include Fellow of the Department of Energy- National Energy Technology Laboratory, Morgantown-WV, the Cash Family Award for Best Mentor at the National Wind Renewable Center, TX; the Blue Integrated Partnership (BIP)-Frederic Douglas Award, For Exceptional Leadership, August. 2023, and he was nominated to the ABLAZE Research Award 2024- Florida Polytechnic University, March 2024.

Join us on May 31, 2024 at 2 PM EST for Professor Gerardo Carbajal’s Workshop

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Dr. Brian Haus


Combining engineered and natural systems to provide enhanced coastal resilience.

Dr. Brian K. Haus

University of Miami

               The use of engineered systems such as submerged breakwaters and or seawalls for coastal protection was common practice until the late 1900’s when the negative impacts on adjacent properties and ecosystems became widely recognized.  This led to a strong preference for protection or restoration of natural coastal dunes and reefs to provide local protection. However for developed shorelines and under rising sea-level regimes it may not be possible to use natural approaches alone. This has led to the development of hybrid engineered and natural systems that can provide enhanced coastal resilience as well as other ecosystem services. At the University of Miami we have developed a modular hybrid approach that can be used for both seawalls and submerged breakwaters (SEAHIVE). This system provides several distinct advantages over traditional designs. In particular the high porosity provides enhanced energy dissipation and reduced wave reflections. The interconnected structures also provide the ability to incorporate natural components such as seagrasses, mangroves or corals.  A key aspect of our ongoing research to quantify the protective benefits of the SEAHIVES compared to traditional solutions and to quantify the enhanced coastal resilience provided by the natural components. This is accomplished through comprehensive testing in the Surge-Structure-Atmosphere Interaction (SUSTAIN) hydrodynamic research facility. Our results show that such hybrid systems can provide significant added wave dissipation in some conditions.

Join us on April 26, 2024 at 2 PM EST for Professor Brian K Haus Workshop

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Press Release:

Defending the Shore - Florida Trend | Feature

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Dr. Victor M. Castaño

Abstract: Metamaterials and their applications will be defined and discussed. The role that artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic and nanotechnology in the development of novel metamaterials will be analyzed, along with the basic principles and their potential uses.

Join us on March 29, 2024 at 2 PM EST for Professor Victor M. Castaño’s Workshop

Passcode: Wc1rc.MY

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