Combining engineered and natural systems to provide enhanced coastal resilience.
Dr. Brian K. Haus
University of Miami
The use of engineered systems such as submerged breakwaters and or seawalls for coastal protection was common practice until the late 1900’s when the negative impacts on adjacent properties and ecosystems became widely recognized. This led to a strong preference for protection or restoration of natural coastal dunes and reefs to provide local protection. However for developed shorelines and under rising sea-level regimes it may not be possible to use natural approaches alone. This has led to the development of hybrid engineered and natural systems that can provide enhanced coastal resilience as well as other ecosystem services. At the University of Miami we have developed a modular hybrid approach that can be used for both seawalls and submerged breakwaters (SEAHIVE). This system provides several distinct advantages over traditional designs. In particular the high porosity provides enhanced energy dissipation and reduced wave reflections. The interconnected structures also provide the ability to incorporate natural components such as seagrasses, mangroves or corals. A key aspect of our ongoing research to quantify the protective benefits of the SEAHIVES compared to traditional solutions and to quantify the enhanced coastal resilience provided by the natural components. This is accomplished through comprehensive testing in the Surge-Structure-Atmosphere Interaction (SUSTAIN) hydrodynamic research facility. Our results show that such hybrid systems can provide significant added wave dissipation in some conditions.
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